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“I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” John 10:10

We are a church plant of ICC-Nairobi seeking to be a church re-imagined for our increasingly complex world. Our heart is to be a body of Christ where the weary and burdened can encounter the Christ who takes on and away their burdens, renews them and offers more and better life than they could ever have imagined.

Our Orienting Commitments:

To be a place of Christ Formation (The Journey)

“The daring goal of the Christian life could be summarized as our being formed, conformed, and transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ.” Richard Foster
We believe that God wants to bring about a new humanity by redeeming every part of us. We embrace the salvation Jesus offers as the only hope for the healing of our relationships with God, each other, ourselves, and creation. We believe that all of life is spiritual, and that all of our fears, failures and brokenness can be restored and made whole. We want to be formed into fully integrated people—mind, body, soul, emotions, and experiences, all offered together to God.

To Be a Community (Village)

We value the image of God in all people, everywhere. We believe that we were created to live deeply with one another by carrying each other’s burdens and sharing our possessions, to pray for and confess our sins to each other, and to suffer and celebrate together. It’s in these honest, loving relationships that God transforms us and truth becomes a reality. The way of Jesus cannot be lived alone.

To be a People on Mission (Church)

We believe that Jesus is God in human form and that the church is God’s ongoing presence in the world. Led by the Spirit of God, we are passionate about relieving suffering and fighting injustice, joining the God of the oppressed in living out the transforming message of the resurrected Jesus. Jesus calls his church to be a compelling force for good in the world, and we believe that the church is at its best when it serves, sacrifices, and loves, caring about the things God cares about. We were created to live for something larger than ourselves.