A blessing for you today, you who is learning what it means to be a man:
Perhaps that journey is a lifelong one,
And this blessing is not for the parts of you that feel inadequate and not enough.
This blessing is to say that to be a man today, with all its complexities and nuances, is still a blessed thing.
That to be a man today is to be holy, not in an obscure way that you do not understand; but holiness in being chosen and set apart for a purpose and for a time such as this.
Blessed are you as you strive to communicate the inner struggles, for yours in the reassurance of a God who sees and knows it all
Blessed are you when you feel small and inadequate, feelings you have been told to never admit to, but you feel anyway, Blessed are you in all of that, for yours is a God who makes everything, even the smallness work together for good.
Blessed are you when you toil in work for your family, I know you were told that is how worth is measured, yet today, is God who says you have always been a beloved son, and that the Kingdom of God where rest abounds and striving ceases is your inheritance. You have always been enough.
Blessed are you when you serve selflessly and get the choking feeling that no one sees your efforts, oh how blessed you are, because your service is a proclamation of your faith and yours is a God who sees even the tiniest details of your efforts and celebrates you
Blessed are you when you make compromises and sacrifices for the sake of those you love, for the promise of God is a life where your sacrifices create an even more abundant life and yours is the God who gives the assurance that your sacrifice is not in vain
Blessed are you when you are confused about what it means to be a man, for God did not create a man to be neatly defined in a few sentences, and yours is a God that creates things so complex and yet so beautiful, think of the complexities of the life there you’ll see that your creator does not create for simplicity
Blessed are you when you lack in wisdom or direction as those around you would anticipate, and little by little you begin to pretend to know when in truth you don’t, for yours is a God who is faithfully guiding your path and leading you to even greater dependence on Him
Blessed are you when you’re not strong enough for all the burdens you carry, walk into God’s unending promises of rest by the cool streams of water, you are His.
Blessed are you who creates safety around you, not just physical but psychological and emotional safety, for yours is this safety as well. Yours is a God who is gentle and humble in heart, who promises you a safe space for you to open yourself up.
Blessed are you for when it is all said and done, you belong, you belong to a God who sees you, who names you beloved, who calls you friend , who steadies your feet when you stumble, who offers counsel and wisdom, who will make you lie down and rest, who is interested in your open and honest heart, who knows the struggles, the fear, the anxieties , the uncertainty.
Blessed are you today, blessed are you always, for the Kingdom of God is yours, The Kingdom of God is for those such as you.