In the beginning, before we could conceive of the term mother, there was God and He brought forth life. In the beginning, when we were lost and ashamed , God, just like a mother, stepped in and put together leaves to cover us; what has become known as the story of original sin may more aptly be described as original mothering. In the beginning when that same sin and shame tried to name us, God , just like a mother questioned those voices asking “who told you?”
We have not nearly seen God as being as nurturing as He is. In a world where we are constantly named, shamed and outcast, mothers have consistently reminded us that we are theirs even with our flaws. It is not surprising to any of us that mothers have loved their children into transformation and into their best selves yet. Just like God, mothers have over and over again named their children as worthy of love, as worthy of life, as worthy of redemption.
So today, for you who is in the throes of mothering, when it feels like the days are too long and the years are too short, a blessing. The work you do is an immensely powerful vision of who God is. You who bathes and nurses and cuddles and comforts and feeds and clothes and teaches and rebukes and guides; you are eternally blessed for the hand that has been given to you. You are indeed the hands and feet of Jesus on our earth.
For you who is seeing your little ones not so little anymore. And you are praying with everything you have that they become all they were created to be. A blessing of rest and reassurance for you.Your hands have raised your children with all the diligence you could master. And now, you can rest in the assurance that your little ones are known and deeply loved by God. And as they make their way in life, they are carrying wonderful imprints of all the love and care that you have given to them all these years. You are indeed the hands and feet of Jesus on our earth.
For you who’s mothering journey is also intertwined with long working hours. You who worry that you are missing out on them growing up. You who rush between home and work with the hope that you will catch all those moments; for you, a blessing of peace. Both your children and the work you do are a gift from God. He sees you, He is empowering you to do all that you need to do in this season. What a blessing it is that God is not found only in the mountain, he is also found in the trader’s day as she exchanges her goods for money. He is also found in the spreadsheets and team meetings and end month pays. He is also found in the 5:00pm traffic and in the impatience of waiting in line to be served at the supermarket. He is also found in the seemingly little time that you have with them as you say goodnight. You are indeed still the hands and feet of Jesus on our earth.
For you who is mothering in an economy that keeps breaking your bank. And it seems to cost everything you have to raise your little ones. For you, a blessing of Jireh, your provider. He knows, He sees your sacrifices of love for your children. He sees all dreams put at bay and all desires yet to be met. Your sacrifices are not today and will never be in vain. Even here, even now, you are seen and known by a father who holds everything in His hand. May He today and always be Jireh for you. You are indeed still the hands and feet of Jesus on our earth.
For you, you who today find yourself in agony for this day; for what the mothering journey has been or not been. You who lost your baby, you who desires to have a baby, you who is remembering your mother who is no longer with us, you who has strained relationships with motherhood, and all these warm beautiful stories do not ring true for you. You who mothers children not yours, you who mothers without the father of your children, you who desire to be mothered, you who is mothering in a strenuous marriage, you for who motherhood has become and alienating and lonely experience, you who has experienced your joy decreasing instead of increasing, you who has watched your children hurting themselves and others, you who is disappointed in the choices that they have made or are making.
For you a blessing of healing, redeeming and restoration. May you experience your woundedness in the hands of Jesus Christ, our wounded healer. He who is near to the brokenhearted and who saves those who are crushed in spirit. He who began restoring and redeeming you long before you were here, yes, your weeping is welcome, your complaints are welcome, your grief is welcome, your lack of words is welcome, your lamentation is welcome. You too belong to our father , this too belongs to God.
You too, even now, even here, even with all of this, are the hands and feet of Jesus on this earth.
Remind them today, that this work is such a crucial part of your redemption plan for humanity. That though there may be strife and helplessness and exhaustion, that there is also rest and wisdom and wonder and a peace that is beyond telling.
Truly they are your hands and feet here on our earth.